Мням. Свежачок Land Switcher - Arcade Valley EP 2019
#Psychedelic #Psyglitch #Psydub #Psychill #Absolute_Exclusive
Land Switcher ведет неоновые псайбас-линии в самые отдаленные и плохо освещенные области нашего сознания, чтобы заполнить вайбом эти низины, и превратить их в плодородные угодья, дающие обильный урожай свежих идей. Спешите использовать это органическое псайдаб-удобрение от Шанти Планти.
Land Switcher’s iconic technical landscapes gain new depth and colour in their winter 2019 release, ‘Arcade Valley.’ A shapeshifting descent into the kaleidoscopic realms of global dub, each track offers up a seductive portrait of psychedelic sound fueled by undulating basslines, oscillating synthetic textures, and lush sci-fi atmospheres. Interwoven with an array of classical dub influences and infused with Land Switcher’s signature high-energy styling, ‘Arcade Valley’ is a potent reminder of the endless frontiers of exploration embedded within the omni-tempo realms of modern electronica.
Shanti Planti
released November 18, 2019
France ///
Composed and produced by Land Switcher
Artwork by Land Switcher
Writing by Christian Cortes (www.facebook.com/soundscrybe)
![Land Switcher - Arcade Valley EP [2019]](https://sun9-54.userapi.com/impg/c857336/v857336651/53063/fUKM1qfDxw4.jpg?size=1200x1200&quality=96&sign=d31c08b9c3e945d997487395fd9a3734&c_uniq_tag=jjFt19DmHZm66Bl1J8oM23Nv2DeR6O9FQqljOcGjSpQ&type=album)